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21 Minute Workout: Blackjack AMRAP Workout

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Add some fun to your workout routine with this creative Blackjack AMRAP workout that’s an effective HIIT workout in less time!

BlackJack AMRAP Workout: check the blog post for the full workout details! #workout #fitfluential #fitness

Hey friends, I’ve got another workout for you! It’s another AMRAP workout that I created for a class I subbed this morning. This one is a bit more complicated than the last AMRAP workout I posted, but it’s a lot of fun!

The reason I called this one a BlackJack workout is because the reps start at 21 and it goes for 21 minutes (blackjack is also called 21). This is a reverse pyramid AMRAP workout, meaning the reps count down then back up, and you repeat the rounds as many times as possible (AMRAP) for the allotted time.

The reps are as follows: 21-16-8-16-21 AMRAP for 21 minutes. If there is time left and you have gotten back around to the 21 reps again, go back down the pyramid until your time is up.

To get an idea of how many reps you will complete, I got through the entire reverse pyramid in 21 minutes with rests, so I finished up the second 21 rep round. That’s 82 reps total for everything, so make sure you are using an appropriate amount of weight for the dead rows and squats so you can do these properly.

I always start heavy and go light as I fatigue, so they end up being drop sets. And you can usually go heavier the whole time through the 8 rep round. I used a barbell for this workout on the dead rows and squats, but you can use dumbbells if you like.

BlackJack AMRAP Workout: check the blog post for the full workout details! #workout #fitfluential #fitness

Click here for a downloadable & printable PDF of this workout

This AMRAP workout also has some breaks built in! After the 21 rep round, rest for 1 minute. After the 16 and 8 rep round, rest for 30 seconds.

Here’s a an idea of what dead-rows look like (I don’t have photos of those ones yet). Bend over a bit more than what the photo shows: this exercise is a combination of a stiff-legged deadlift and a row, so you should reach deeper to feel the work in your hamstrings.

Mountain climbers

Mountain climbers: You can do these with or without gliders – I do them without

Alternating Jumping lunge GIF

Alternating jump lunges

For the counts on the jump lunges, reps are total, so 21 reps would be 10-11 on each side, 16 reps would be 8 on each side, etc. If you’re feeling brave, you can venture to do the number of reps for each leg: i.e, 21 reps for each leg so 42 reps total for jumping lunges. I alternated legs on my jump lunges, but you can do your reps on one side then switch to the other side.

The counts for mountain climbers are opposite: reps are counted for each side, so 21 reps on each side = 42 total.

Have fun with this workout, and let me know what you think!

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