Looking for a fun family-friendly event in Colorado? Check out the Broncos Stadium Challenge for your next race in Denver!

Hey friends, how has your June been going? So far my month has been busy BUSY! I just started a fun outdoor bootcamp locally a couple mornings a week, I just started Monday and so far it’s going great! Between traveling, blogging, and kids activities, June has been moving by fast!
The weekend before last a couple friends and I traveled down to Denver to do the Broncos Stadium Challenge! I posted about the event a couple weeks ago before the race, and now here’s a recap! Overall we had a fun time, but didn’t get to complete the 5K, so we’re hoping that maybe next year we can try again.

Next to the obstacle challenge was the warped wall; I didn’t try that one but it was fun to watch people give it a try!
The obstacle course was fun and challenging, but very attainable. Our bibs had a chip timer on them to time not only the 5K but also the obstacle course.
My time was over 7 minutes (which was average), the really good people made it through in just over 5 minutes. This was a fun way to warm-up for the run! I thought about going through the obstacle course more than once, but we didn’t end up having time to do it a second time.
The obstacle course had swings, short net climbs, rowing machines (seated and standing), football run, monkey bars, and more. It was fun!
The first obstacle was a swing-thing – harder than it looks!
They had 2 giant boards on each side of the event where people can either write who they are inspired by or who they are running for.
Hanging out by the starting line!
Got my bib on and ready to run, just waiting for our wave to start (we were in the second wave)
The storm clouds are rolling in – we’re hoping we can beat the rain
Our course was through the stadium walkways – it was pretty cool! Lots of incline on the ramps so plenty of “hills”!
Here’s a nice view of the venue from the top of the stadium – the climb up was pretty cool! Lots of tight turns going up the ramps, so make sure you have strong ankles 😉 There were people of all kinds participating in this event: walkers, runners, children, and even people in wheelchairs (this course was wheelchair-friendly!).
After we ran through the walkway ramps we ran through some of the corridors working our way outside then back into the building through the field…
…but I didn’t get that far! After about 1 mile I was on my way out to start going toward the stadium field, but was stopped by event staff and security since there was a thunderstorm outside with lightning.
One of my friends was ahead of me since I stopped to take photos so she was able to keep going and ended up going through the field. My other friend and I got stuck inside waiting for the storm to pass.
We were hoping it wouldn’t take very long, but we ended up waiting for over an hour. Some people just decided to leave and go home, but we decided to try and wait it out. Since it was getting late and everything was supposed to wrap up at 9 pm and the storm was still hanging on, they decided to send us home and wrap everything up.

Overall, the event was really fun! The obstacle course was challenging but doable and fun, and I loved that the event was family-friendly and they included fun games for kids. I loved running through the stadium – such a fun twist on a 5K! I was disappointed that I didn’t get to finish the race, but we’ll try again next year 🙂

Sarah Jane Parker is the founder, recipe creator, and photographer behind The Fit Cookie which she founded in 2011. Sarah is based in Wyoming and has been managing food allergies for herself and her 2 children for over 20 years. Sarah was also a certified personal trainer for 12 years, as well as a group fitness instructor, health coach, running coach, and fitness nutrition specialist.