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No Squat Leg Workout

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Have trouble doing squats, or need to avoid them due to knee trouble or injuries? This No Squat Leg Workout is knee-friendly and great for strengthening your hips and glutes without stressing your knees

Disclosure: this no squat leg workout is sponsored by Avie Nutraceuticals. All opinions are my own
Have trouble doing squats, or need to avoid them due to knee trouble or injuries? This No Squat Leg Workout is knee-friendly and great for strengthening your hips and glutes without stressing your knees - @TheFitCookie #workout #fitness #AD @AvieNaturals

Hey friends! It’s been a little while since I’ve posted a workout here. I’ve been meaning to post this one for a little while now since I’ve had to almost completely stop doing squats and lunges for a while due to my knee. I know there are a lot of people out there who can’t do squats and lunges, too, so I wanted to share a variation of the workout that I’ve been doing lately!

Disclaimer: this post is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your medical professional.

Even though I’ve had to reduce my running and stop doing squats and lunges for a while, I’ve been working hard at still continuing to stay active. Thanks to regular workouts with my son and my friend, I’ve been sticking to my goal of doing my strength training more often. Yay! Sore muscles for sure, but the ultramicronized turmeric products help 🙂

Avie Nutraceuticals Ultramicronized turmeric curcumin products for pain relief #AD

No Squat Leg Workout

The exercises in this workout are great for balancing out the musculature in the legs for proper knee function (read: healthier knees!). People are often quad-dominant, meaning that our hips and glutes don’t get enough love during our workouts. Not only are you skipping the squats and lunges in this workout, but these exercises can help prevent future knee issues, so this workout is a win-win!

This can be a problem for runners and cyclists since they are already engaging in a quad-dominant sport, and if you have tight IT bands as well, it’s a perfect storm for knee problems and kneecap tracking issues.

If you’ve followed me on Instagram for a while, you know that kneecap tracking is something I’ve been struggling with due to muscle imbalances in legs, so I’ve had to avoid doing too many squats and lunges without a brace. Lately, my leg workouts look much like this workout (with variations here and there) until we’ve worked through my kneecap issues with physical therapy.

Click here for the printable workout PDF

Make sure that you have done a proper warm-up before doing these exercises, I like to do 10 minutes of moderate cardio (like jogging or rowing) followed by some dynamic stretching.

Here are progress photos for the individual exercises so you can see them start and finish:

Clam exercise


Glute bridge exercise


Inner thigh leg lift exercise

Inner thigh leg lift

Stability ball hamstring curl exercise

Stability ball hamstring curl

Muncies exercise


Donkey kick exercise

Donkey kick

Avie Nutraceuticals

If you’re trying to stay active and have some residual muscle soreness and aches, then check out the ultramicronized turmeric curcumin products from . Turmeric curcumin is great for reducing inflammation since it’s an antioxidant, relieving pain, and improving digestion*.

Avie Nutraceuticals Ultramicronized turmeric curcumin products - Have trouble doing squats, or need to avoid them due to knee trouble or injuries? This No Squat Leg Workout is knee-friendly and great for strengthening your hips and glutes without stressing your knees - @TheFitCookie #workout #fitness #AD @AvieNaturals

The turmeric curcumin from Avie is different from other companies since they ultramicronize their turmeric curcumin, making it water soluble and more potent than regular curcumin powders. It’s a great natural addition to your workout and recovery routine!

Avie produces several products to fit your needs:

  • Avie Ultramicronized Turmeric Curcumin
  • Avie Joint Balance combines ultramicronized turmeric curcumin with Indian frankincense gum resin powder (boswellia serrata)
  • Avie Gastrointestinal Balance combines ultramicronized turmeric curcumin with deglycerrhizinated licorice
  • Avie Pain Relief Spray contains non-staining curcumin and menthol for topical pain relief
Avie Nutraceuticals Ultramicronized turmeric curcumin products for pain relief #AD

Pin this workout for later!

Have trouble doing squats, or need to avoid them due to knee trouble or injuries? This No Squat Leg Workout is knee-friendly and great for strengthening your hips and glutes without stressing your knees - @TheFitCookie #workout #fitness #AD @AvieNaturals

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace medical advice. Please consult your physician before engaging in exercise

6 thoughts on “No Squat Leg Workout”

  1. Hello Sarah Jane,
    I stumbled upon your blog and I was so glad. I recently had the same surgery (in week 2) and it was nice to hear how it went for someone else. I did also tear my meniscus (not fun) and had some arthritis under my knee cap. I was getting worried about the knee cap popping but, not much now. I am in therapy and that seems to be going well. It is sore and still swolen but, everyday is a new day! Thank you for sharing your story it definitely made me feel better. Hope your recovery is still going good.
    Have a blessed day!]
    Melanie McDaniel

    • Thank you Melanie! I’m so glad that helped you 🙂 My knee is doing really good right now, I think it’s *almost* completely back to normal, I just still struggle with some occasional knee pain if I’m not careful during my workouts (like last week I did a leg workout and then did sprints the next day, I was doubly sore the following day and my knee did not approve).


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