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Get ready to run! Runner’s Warm Up (with Video)

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Get ready to run! Don’t skip this warm up: get your mind and body ready for your next running workout with this Runner’s Warm Up

Disclosure: this runner's warm-up post is sponsored by VerveLife and Blog Meets Brand
Get ready for your workout with this Runner's Warm-Up and VerveLoop+ - @thefitcookie #ad #VerveLife #YourMove @avervelife #fitness

Let’s talk about warm ups today: do you do warm-ups regularly before your workouts, or do you skip that part of your exercise and go right to the meat and potatoes of your routine? While I have skipped my warm-ups a few times (mostly when running), it’s important to include this in your workouts. A proper warm-up is essential, especially if you’re getting ready for a race!

As tempting as it is to skip a good warm-up, your body will thank you for taking the extra few minutes to ease into your workout. Warm-ups don’t have to be really long: the length of a regular song on your headphones is long enough for a decent warm-up.

If you have a habit of skipping a good warm-up before your workouts, try designating one of your favorite upbeat songs as a warm-up song so you can build a habit of spending that time getting physically and mentally ready for your workout. 

Get ready for your workout with this Runner's Warm-Up and VerveLoop+ - @thefitcookie #ad #VerveLife #YourMove @avervelife #fitness

Keep your workout untangled with the lightweight VerveLoop+ earbuds

If you’re not entirely sure of what to do for a warm-up for your next running workout, here is a Runner’s Warm-up you can do to get your joints and muscles prepared for running.

Here are the exercises in this Runner’s Warm-Up:

  • Lady liberties
  • Spiderman
  • Butt kicks
  • High-knee skip
  • Frankies

These are all exercises that my physical therapist taught me how to do a couple years ago and I began incorporating them into my warm-ups with my training clients and before races. Before doing these range of motion exercises, jog lightly for a few minutes to get your body warm.

Get ready for your workout with this Runner's Warm-Up and VerveLoop+ - @thefitcookie #ad #VerveLife #YourMove @avervelife #fitness

Print this workout sheet!

Get ready for your workout with this Runner's Warm-Up and VerveLoop+ - @thefitcookie #ad #VerveLife #fitness | lady liberties

Lady Liberties: stretches glutes, hip flexors, calves, psoas, and lats. Prepares hip, knee joints, and shoulder joints for activity
Tips: keep your knees behind your toes on the forward knee

Get ready for your workout with this Runner's Warm-Up and VerveLoop+ - @thefitcookie #ad #VerveLife #fitness

Spiderman: stretches hip flexors, glutes, calves, and hamstrings. Prepares hip and knee joints for activity
Tips: avoid excessive rounding in the upper back, movement should come from the hips not shoulder rounding

Get ready for your workout with this Runner's Warm-Up and VerveLoop+ - @thefitcookie #ad #VerveLife #fitness | butt kickers

Butt kicks: stretches quad muscles. Prepares knee and ankle joints for activity.
Tip: stay on your toes during this move for better shock absorption

Get ready for your workout with this Runner's Warm-Up and VerveLoop+ - @thefitcookie #ad #VerveLife #fitness | high skip

High Knee Skip: stretches glutes, warms up calves. Prepares ankle, knee, hip, and shoulder joints for activity
Tip: stay on your toes during this movement

Get ready for your workout with this Runner's Warm-Up and VerveLoop+ - @thefitcookie #ad #VerveLife #fitness | frankies

Frankies (Frankensteins): stretches hamstrings, prepares hips for activity.
Tips: try to keep your back straight during this stretch. If you have very tight hamstrings, avoid this movement and stick with static hamstring stretches to avoid tearing the muscle.

Think about designating an upbeat song for a warm-up song to remind you to do your warm-up before workouts and to prepare yourself mentally as well. If you need an untangled way to listen to your favorite music during workouts, try some lightweight wireless headphones like the VerveLoop+.

The VerveLoop+ wireless stereo earbuds have great sound and created with an integrated mic that lets you take calls easily without reaching for your phone. The wireless reach of these headphones goes to 150 feet so you can move around the gym or home without your phone. Since these are wireless, it’s so easy to keep your workout untangled!

Get ready for your workout with this Runner's Warm-Up and VerveLoop+ - @thefitcookie #ad #VerveLife #fitness

The VerveLoop+ headphones are also sweat and waterproof, Siri and google compatible, and has a 9.5 hour battery life so you can stay in the loop, even on the go. 

If you are exercising outdoors, definitely consider safety when wearing your headphones. I recommend not wearing headphones if you are biking on the street since you need to be fully aware of traffic (most bike events will not allow headphones for safety reasons). When I’m running outdoors, I will run with just one earbud in place so I can hear what is doing on around me.

Get ready for your workout with this Runner's Warm-Up and VerveLoop+ - @thefitcookie #ad #VerveLife #YourMove @avervelife #fitness

Check out VerveLife products, Motorola’s new line of wireless connected devices, including the VerveRider+, and the VerveOnes+

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4 thoughts on “Get ready to run! Runner’s Warm Up (with Video)”

  1. Great tips for warming up! And thanks for mentioning the VerveLoop+. I have never heard of this brand before but just broke my Bluetooth collar and need another one. I think I will for with these instead of a collar that bounces around while working out.


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