We’ve been busy lately at The Fit Cookie! Find out what’s been happening, our race plans, health updates, and new things we’re trying

Hey friends! It’s been a little while since I have done a personal what’s happening in my life post, so I decided to kick off this week with some good things going on in my life!

Vega sent me their pre- and post-workout drink mixes to try! A review will be coming soon
I recently combined my blogs into one to simplify things. I can now be able to focus better and I really hope to establish a regular blogging schedule so I can make things consistent. I really want to post 3+ times a week, and I have found that the more I write and blog the easier it gets.
After 3-1/2 years, it’s really starting to click for me in ways it hasn’t before. Creating great content isn’t such a struggle anymore since I realized that the creative well won’t “run dry”. As Marie Forleo says, “there’s more where that came from”. I needed to understand that the more I cultivate my creativity the more I will have.
I’m also getting a new logo and header made! I can’t wait to show it to you when it’s up 🙂
I will also be taking on more frequent sponsored projects to help supplement my family’s income, but I won’t be doing so many that people get sick of it. I’m trying to find that good balance in things, including blogging. I have some fun projects coming up in the next month or 2, so stay tuned for those!

I recently re-vamped my motivation page – go check it out! Lots of great uplifting quotes in there, and I hope to add more.
I made some Easter treats yesterday, the blueberry macaroons turned out good! I will post a recipe soon 🙂
Fitness Challenges
I’m so bummed that ChallengeLoop is no longer available for public use! It was my favorite way to host free fitness challenges, and everyone loved it. I have tried DietBets a couple times but can’t seem to get many participants or much traction with those for some reason.
I now have 2 options: using Facebook (which I know some people don’t care to use), Burn This, SlimKicker, or Sweaty Nation. I want to continue hosting the 30/31 challenges a couple times a year, so I will continue to look for good ways to host those challenges for free so anyone can join in. If you have any preference of app or website for hosting challenges like this, or know of some other good ones, let me know!
I decided not to do the triathlon again this year… bummer! I hadn’t practiced my swimming much at all since the tri last year and my husband is working that day so we decided to skip it this year and set aside time for it next year. I really stink at swimming, so that is my weakest link. I need to talk them into doing a duathlon alongside the triathlon so the swimming inept can still race.

I’m trying to take a step outside my box in the fashion realm. I have never been much for printed leggings, but these ones are pretty cute 🙂
I think I have figured out how to fix my runner’s knee! It has been getting better lately with some different foam rolling techniques (check out my video below), so I am hopeful that this will be resolved this year.
I will miss the Mickelson Trail half marathon this year since I’m getting back from vacation that weekend (and the Durham Ranch race is the same weekend – I’ll miss both), so I will look at some other half marathons later this year to train for. I want to get into more trail running, too, so I need to work on that, and strength training and hill sprints will help with that, too.
My goals fitness-wise for this month is to ease back into my running since I took some time off from it, lift weights more frequently (at least 3 times a week – I’ve only been doing about 2 days a week now), and lean out a bit. I also want to start doing HIIT again 1-2 times a week to get my conditioning up again.

In December we got a treadmill to keep in our basement so we can move more when the weather is awful. I added a walking desk to it to keep moving. I haven’t used it a whole lot lately, but I need to start using the walking desk again when I write. I can actually get a lot done that way!
I got a chance to try out the Skulpt Aim recently! Check out my video review below. I would eventually like to do a full blog post review on it as well
Allergies have been kicking my butt lately: headaches, fatigue, crankiness, lack of sleep…. the symptoms get worse every year I think. I have found some things that work, but still need help so I have been using an OTC allergy med.
I used to feel really bad about taking medication since I don’t want to be taking a bunch of pills all the time, but I realized that I really needed some help and the immunotherapy shots from my allergy doctor made me feel 10x worse.
I have still been really working on increasing my antinflammatory supplements, like turmeric, tart cherry extract, quercitin, and vitamin D so my body isn’t reacting so badly. It’s helping, it just doesn’t make everything go away!
I was trying out a low FODMAP diet for a while, and had to loosen up a little bit with it. I have so many food intolerances that adding more restrictions to my eating was difficult and very discouraging. I decided to just lower my intake of fructose but not stress too much about being super strict with the diet. If I ease into these kinds of things it feels better to me, so I am making small changes here and there.

One of my favorite things lately has been Meatza. Since I have been still working on keeping my grain intake low due to my IBS and seasonal allergies that cause digestive problems, I have started making pizza with a meat crust. The one above is made with the Al Fresco Chicken Italian sausage: it holds together really well and it’s lower fat.
It can be salty, though, so I might mix it with some lean ground turkey next time to cut the salt. We top ours with olives, mushrooms, and Daiya non-dairy cheese. So yummy!

Sarah Jane Parker is the founder, recipe creator, and photographer behind The Fit Cookie which she founded in 2011. Sarah is based in Wyoming and has been managing food allergies for herself and her 2 children for over 20 years. Sarah was also a certified personal trainer for 12 years, as well as a group fitness instructor, health coach, running coach, and fitness nutrition specialist.
I have a treadmill desk giveaway on my blog, it is called WalkTop. I only try to commit to blogging twice or sometimes 3 days a week more than that is too much for me. #wowlinkup
Finding that balance is definitely tricky, I’m hoping for 3-4 times a week but some weeks I know I will probably only get 1-2 posts in, but that’s okay 🙂 I’ll have to check out your giveaway!
I WANT A TREADMILL DESK! I have a stand up desk, but man, if I could walk too, that would be kick ass! Sure, I get tons of cardio every day but still, I WANT MORE! I crave it! LOL!
I actually haven’t been using it as much as I should lately! I need to set up a regular schedule for my walk-writing so I can get it in every day (in addition to my regular workouts)!
These are some great updates. I can’t wait to check out the new logo. Meatza? Now I’ve heard everything. 🙂 I love my SKULPT AIM and had a chance to write the review. Next up – my video recording of it and how it works. Thanks for stopping by our link up last week – hope you return. #wowlinkup
Thanks for hosting the linkup Diatta! I needed to start doing more of those and your linkup was a perfect fit 🙂 I just posted the new header/logo earlier this week so it’s up now, it’s nice to finally have something consistent for my brand. It took a while but I finally got it done!
Sarah, this entire post looks great, your site is really looking fabulous. I love it.
I use VEGA everyday and am a fan favorite, it is my only pre-workout energizer. 🙂
Thanks so much Lynda! It’s fun to get face-lifts for blogs. I can’t wait to see what you end up doing with yours!
Can’t wait to see the new header and logo! it’s so exciting when the website goes under a bit of a makeover 🙂
Love the foam rolling video – i have a really bad right knee and foam rolling is the only thing that helps it!
Thank you Beverly! I can’t wait to share the new logo, it’s fun!
So many great things going on Sarah! I cant’ wait to see your new logo. My blog is under construction as we speak. I’m with you on stepping out of my comfort zone with fitness apparel. I even bought print yoga tights 🙂 I haven’t worn them yet but buying them was a step in the right direction.
Thanks Jill! That’s awesome you are getting your site revamped. What all are you having changed?
Lots of fun & great changes!!! I too am looking for some sponsored work.. trying not to make it too much is the balance issue for sure! 🙂 I only go to things I love so…. 🙂
Finding that balance can be tricky! I think that is a good blogger’s biggest battle is finding that elusive balance. It’s tough sometimes!