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DIY Healthy Travel Snack Packs

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Whether you’re traveling by road or plane, getting healthy snacks can be hard. Create your own healthy and affordable travel snack packs for your next trip

Healthy Travel Snack Packs {with Blue Diamond Almonds} - TheFitCookie.com @BlueDiamond #travel #snacks

Yay, I’m traveling today to go to the IDEA World Conference and BlogFest in LA this week!!  Keep checking back in the rest of this week and weekend to get posts and recaps from the conference! So many great things going on this week!

Healthy Travel Snack Packs {with Blue Diamond Almonds} - TheFitCookie.com @BlueDiamond #travel #snacks
Snack pack with carrots, jerky, almonds, and craisins

Right now I’m sitting at the airport in Denver waiting for my next flight, snacking on some healthy treats. I usually end up getting up pretty early (this morning I was up at 4 am to get ready for my flight), so I usually end up eating more than one breakfast and snacking between meals.

Traveling is no exception, and even though I’m not doing a whole lot of activity by sitting a bunch, I still get hungry! Since I have lots of food sensitivities and I like to save money, I decided to make up some snack packs to take with me so I can eat healthy wherever I am.

Healthy Travel Snack Packs {with Blue Diamond Almonds} - TheFitCookie.com @BlueDiamond #travel #snacks


Blue Diamond sent me 2 of their new Honey Roasted flavors: the Honey Roasted Vanilla and the Honey Roasted Chipotle, both very good! The Honey roasted Vanilla makes a nice treat when you want to have something filling but want a little sweetness too (without too much sugar). The Honey Roasted Chipotle is also delish: it has a nice sweet and spicey thing going on 🙂

Since I will be spending 1-2 days just flying to and from LA (I have a lot of layovers), I decided to make up some healthy snack packs. This is perfect for me since I can make these ones grain-free and high protein and low sugar. And it’s a nice break from eating salads all the time.

Healthy Travel Snack Packs {with Blue Diamond Almonds} - TheFitCookie.com @BlueDiamond #travel #snacks

The snack packs I made up have jerky, nuts mixed with dried fruit, and some fresh fruits or veggies. I skipped the gluten free granola this time since my allergies and IBS have been flaring up – I do much better grain free during those times! You can sub the jerky for another high protein choice depending on what you love to eat best. And make sure your fruit and veggies travel well: you don’t want squished fruit all over your stuff!

Healthy Travel Snack Packs {with Blue Diamond Almonds} - TheFitCookie.com @BlueDiamond #travel #snacks

Making snack packs for traveling is awesome for several reasons:

  • You are not at the mercy of airport or airline food. This is really important if you have food allergies or a sensitive stomach (like moi)
  • It saves money. Airline and airport food and snacks are pretty expensive. I will shell out some money for a good salad to get some fresh veggies, but it’s crazy to overspend on snacks that are really unhealthy anyway.
  • You can control your macronutrients and use portion control. I don’t count macros necessarily, but I am conscientious about getting plenty of protein in my diet and watching the my portions of sugar and fat-dense foods. I can easily overdo the fats when I’m traveling, mostly due to my fondness of KIND bars and Larabars.Very good fats, yes, but it can be too much of a good thing. I can very easily inhale eat 3 of these in a day of traveling, plus trail mix.
  • You can eat when it’s convenient for you. I tend to eat every 3 hours, and I get hungry around those times. When hunger strikes, I can use my snack packs when I don’t have enough time to wait in a long line to buy food.

Tell me: what are your favorite snacks to take on trips?

Healthy Travel Snack Packs {with Blue Diamond Almonds} - TheFitCookie.com @BlueDiamond #travel #snacks
Snack pack with jerky, fresh cherries, pistachios and craisins

9 thoughts on “DIY Healthy Travel Snack Packs”

  1. I always pack food when traveling! I’ll pack meals – overnight oats, salads, sandwiches – then snacks like hard boiled eggs, homemade granola bars, Kind bars and almonds and carrots!


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