Take your workout outdoors with this fun Total Body Suspension Workout! Take your suspension trainer to the park or the trees for a fun workout
Hey friends, it’s time for another workout! This is actually a workout that I have been wanting to post for a while but haven’t put the photos together until now. This one’s fun too: this is a suspension trainer workout!
Suspension workouts are some of my favorites! I like to use these workouts with my training clients. They incorporate body-weight exercises that work a lot of stabilizer muscles since you are working with a piece of equipment that isn’t fixed or stable.
It moves around a lot! Suspension trainers are a great way to build body awareness (a good perception of where your body is in space), balance, and concentration.
Another great thing about suspension trainers is that you can take them just about anywhere: in your home (with a door anchor), in the trees, at the playground, in the gym, and even at work if you have a place for it.
Suspension trainers don’t have to be super expensive either: I got this one for about $30 and it works great and is safe and well built. You can also get some simple ones that are a rope with two handles on the end if you want to keep it uncomplicated.
Printable and downloadable PDF
- Beginners: do 6-8 reps of each exercise and complete the circuit 2-3 times
- Intermediate: do 10 reps of each exercise and complete the circuit 3-4 times
- Advanced: do 12-15 reps of each exercise and complete the circuit 3-4 times
Make sure you complete a good warm-up before beginning this workout and take time to cool down and stretch afterward as well. Sometimes with my clients I will throw in some running at the end of the circuit to add a little cardio and make it fun 😉
Sarah Jane Parker is the founder, recipe creator, and photographer behind The Fit Cookie. She’s a food allergy mom and allergy friendly food blogger of 12 years based in Wyoming. Sarah is also an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, ACE Certified Health Coach, Revolution Running certified running coach, and an ACE Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist