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Fitness Clothing – What Do You Love?

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I’m entering the Ellie fitness clothing design contest! When it comes to fitness clothing, what are your favorite features?

Ellie Design Contest - FitBetty.com

I am entering the Ellie Design Contest!

The winner will have their design featured in an upcoming collection, and they will get 10 of the clothing items to share with my friends (i.e. you ladies!).

If you want to see this design in an upcoming collection, go vote for my design!

You can vote once per day, and voting ends July 26th

My design is simple with a few details and…matching arm sleeves for when the weather gets chillier this fall.

 *NOTE: You can vote if you are not an Ellie member; just close the login popup window to vote without a login*

What are your favorite features when it comes to fitness clothing?

9 thoughts on “Fitness Clothing – What Do You Love?”

  1. I voted! It was kind of confusing though. Your design was toward the bottom and I had to click “view more pictures” to see it.

    I love that fitness design has added what cyclists have been using for years, arm warmers! They are so perfect for running too. Just enough to keep you a little warmer until your body heat kicks in 🙂

    • I have been looking at getting a pair of arm warmers for a while. I think they would help make the transition from summer to fall outdoor fitness much easier, and mountain trail running (which I am hoping to do more of next year!).

  2. I love your design so far! I’m pretty intrigued by the arm sleeves.

    I am always looking for something that makes me feel as though I’m wearing as little as possible – except I’m covered. I’d love to be the girl who just runs in shorts and a sports bra, but I don’t know that I’ll ever have that confidence. So, to FEEL as though I’m not wearing much is always key for me.

    • I completely agree with wanting to wear super-light clothing for working out in, especially when it’s hot outside. I made the mistake of doing a mud run in a loose cotton t-shirt once – bad idea! That thing weighed a TON when it got wet!


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