Have you signed up for a mud run or obstacle race? Get in shape for your next OCR with this strength and cardio based Mud Run Workout!
Several months ago my husband and I signed up for the Survivor Mud Run in Colorado in July. This is our first mud-run and we jumped at the opportunity to challenge ourselves and have some fun! The Survivor Mud Run is 3.5 miles long with 20 obstacles and lots of mud! This race is a little over a month away, so I decided to add some race prep to my workouts.
For my workout yesterday, I adapted a workout from the Rugged Maniac workout plan (Week 1- Monday) that prepares participants for the Rugged Maniac Race (a similar mud-run with obstacles).
I am recovering from a summer chest cold (arg!) and have been struggling with my breathing lately due to allergies, so I had to adjust the workout a bit and created this Mud Run Workout. I am hoping to kick it up a notch next week when I have recovered!
Because I already have my own workout routine in place, I am only incorporating some of the elements of the Rugged Maniac workout plan into my routine.
I was able to run 400 meters in the first portion of the workout for 4 rounds, then had to reduce the run to 200 meters for the next 6 rounds. I included a short weight workout that worked the muscles not targeted in the first portion (back, hamstrings, and glutes specifically), aiming for muscular endurance (higher reps, more sets).
The barbell hip thrust is one of my favorite glute exercises: Very effective!
Sarah Jane Parker is the founder, recipe creator, and photographer behind The Fit Cookie. She’s a food allergy mom and allergy friendly food blogger of 12 years based in Wyoming. Sarah is also an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, ACE Certified Health Coach, Revolution Running certified running coach, and an ACE Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist