Flexibility is an important part of a well-rounded fitness program! If you need to work on your flexibility, here are some of my favorite stretches to try
Yesterday was the last day of the #7DayStretch with prAna and Fit Approach! Throughout last week we shared our favorite stretches and shared a bit of our favorite things and our fitness journey.
If you didn’t follow me throughout the week on Instagram, here’s is a little recap with some of the stretches from the week that also happen to be some of my favorites!
Pigeon: good stretch for your hips, glutes, quads, hip flexors, and chest. For beginners, you can actually put a block under your hips to modify this one
Wheel pose: my backbend needs work! Something I need to practice. This stretches and open up the front of the body. You can follow this with Child’s Pose to release and stretch your back
Camel: a gentler backbend that is great for opening your chest
Pyramid: one of my favorite hamstring stretches! Think about lifting your tailbone for a deeper stretch
Dolphin: like a forearm down dog. This one stretches your lats and chest quite a bit
Mermaid: A great side stretch! In PiYo we call this mermaid – it’s a bit closer to a mermaid in Pilates than in yoga
In honor of our beautiful #7daystretch, here are 7 things you might not know about me:
- I am obviously obsessed with: coffee, which I am currently trying to give up!
- I have a collection of: antique books
- I am not so secretly: in love with the color purple
- When I was 7, I wanted to be: a doctor
- If I could do one thing today, it would be: take a nap 😉
- I’ve always dreamt of….: visiting Egypt
- My favorite way to travel is: with my family!
Join in on the fun! Tell me 7 things (or even 1 thing!) I don’t know about you! Tag @prana @fitapproach & use the hashtags #liveinprana #7daystretch #sweatpink and spread the love. Tag your friends, readers, followers…whoever’s listening!
Sarah Jane Parker is the founder, recipe creator, and photographer behind The Fit Cookie. She’s a food allergy mom and allergy friendly food blogger of 12 years based in Wyoming. Sarah is also an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, ACE Certified Health Coach, Revolution Running certified running coach, and an ACE Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist