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Improve Flexibility with My Favorite Stretches & Poses

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Flexibility is an important part of a well-rounded fitness program! If you need to work on your flexibility, here are some of my favorite stretches to try

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My Favorite Stretches & #7DayStretch Recap - #ad #LiveInprAna @prAna @FitApproach #sweatpink

Yesterday was the last day of the #7DayStretch with prAna and Fit Approach! Throughout last week we shared our favorite stretches and shared a bit of our favorite things and our fitness journey.

If you didn’t follow me throughout the week on Instagram, here’s is a little recap with some of the stretches from the week that also happen to be some of my favorites!

My Favorite Stretches & #7DayStretch Recap - #ad #LiveInprAna @prAna @FitApproach #sweatpink

Pigeon: good stretch for your hips, glutes, quads, hip flexors, and chest. For beginners, you can actually put a block under your hips to modify this one

My Favorite Stretches & #7DayStretch Recap - #ad #LiveInprAna @prAna @FitApproach #sweatpink

Wheel pose: my backbend needs work! Something I need to practice. This stretches and open up the front of the body. You can follow this with Child’s Pose to release and stretch your back

My Favorite Stretches & #7DayStretch Recap - #ad #LiveInprAna @prAna @FitApproach #sweatpink

Camel: a gentler backbend that is great for opening your chest

My Favorite Stretches & #7DayStretch Recap - #ad #LiveInprAna @prAna @FitApproach #sweatpink

Pyramid: one of my favorite hamstring stretches! Think about lifting your tailbone for a deeper stretch

My Favorite Stretches & #7DayStretch Recap - #ad #LiveInprAna @prAna @FitApproach #sweatpink

Dolphin: like a forearm down dog. This one stretches your lats and chest quite a bit

My Favorite Stretches & #7DayStretch Recap - #ad #LiveInprAna @prAna @FitApproach #sweatpink

Mermaid: A great side stretch! In PiYo we call this mermaid – it’s a bit closer to a mermaid in Pilates than in yoga

In honor of our beautiful #7daystretch, here are 7 things you might not know about me:

  • I am obviously obsessed with: coffee, which I am currently trying to give up!
  • I have a collection of: antique books
  • I am not so secretly: in love with the color purple
  • When I was 7, I wanted to be: a doctor
  • If I could do one thing today, it would be: take a nap 😉
  • I’ve always dreamt of….: visiting Egypt
  • My favorite way to travel is: with my family!

Join in on the fun! Tell me 7 things (or even 1 thing!) I don’t know about you! Tag @prana @fitapproach & use the hashtags #liveinprana #7daystretch #sweatpink and spread the love. Tag your friends, readers, followers…whoever’s listening!

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