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3 Tips for Staying Active on Vacation (and Hotel Workout Ideas!)

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Going on vacation but worried that it’s going to derail your fitness goals? Don’t fret, here are some tips to stay active on vacation and our favorite hotel room workout options!

woman in blue capris doing workout outside - workout tips for vacation

Hey friends, I’m back with another amazing fitness post! This post is from our guest post authors Kalee and Kim and it’s all about how to stay active while on vacation.

Summer is the perfect time to plan vacations, so if you’re taking a trip soon but want to still stick to your fitness goals, keep reading!

Going on vacation is always fun, but do you feel worried that it’s going to derail all your fitness goals? Don’t fret. If you’re wondering about how to stay active on vacation, just know it’s 100% possible to do.  We’re sharing our favorite hotel room workout options and tips to get mentally ready for a vacay!

With these tips, there’s literally no reason why your vacation has to cause you and your fitness plan any type of stress or grief!

Plus, once your body is used to working out and getting on a schedule, your brain and body both will actually want you to find a way to work out and keep active while you’re taking a trip.

A quick hotel room workout can be a great way to start the day with a great intention.

I love to do a quick workout and repeat a few affirmations before everyone else wakes is up!

2 women jumping - vacation workouts

3 Tips for How to Stay Active on Vacation

Truthfully, there are way more than three ways for how to stay active on vacation, but putting these choices as a priority will be the best for you and your workout routine.

Understand that moving your feet and body is possible no matter where you are visiting. (Also, keep in mind that it’s okay to kick up your feet and relax as well from time to time – you are on vacation!).

1. Park as far away from your destination as possible

Of course, make this be realistic, but if you’re used to doing a lot of walking or hiking during the day, get those steps in on your trip as well!

Have a day of shopping planned? Park your car on the opposite side of the parking lot. That way, you’re moving those legs and getting in a great walk as well. 

Another way to keep your body moving is to choose a hotel or lodging accommodation that is in walkable distance to all the activities that you want to do. Once you arrive on vacation, you can literally leave your car parked and walk everywhere. A combination of exercise and fresh air is always a winning combination! 

Sarah’s note: book some active excursions while on vacation, like walking tours, hiking, swimming, and more. These are great ways to get a workout in while site seeing!

view of pool and palm trees in Mexico resort

2. Establish a hotel room workout to do daily

Guess what? You don’t need a bunch of fancy equipment to be able to work out when you’re on vacation. Instead, you can incorporate a hotel workout to do each and every day.

Need some ideas on what you can do in the comfort of your own hotel room?

These simple hotel room workout ideas require no equipment and just a little bit of time:

  • Squats or Wall Squats
  • Sit Ups
  • Lunges
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Push-ups
  • Running in place
  • Leg Lifts

And the list could go on and on! Think back to all the exercises that you’ve done in your life that require weights or equipment, and do them!

You’ll have so many ideas that you’ll be able to switch up your hotel workout every single day. 

2 women doing dips off a bench outside - hotel room workout

A Favorite Hotel Room Workout for me is:

  • 1-Minute: Warm-up By Walking
  • 2-Minutes: Light stretching 

Then you’re ready for the circuit!

  • 12 Lunges
  • 12 Pushups
  • 12 Tricep Dips 
  • 1 Minute Mountain Climbers
  • Repeat 3 times

Then follow up the workout with a cool down and stretching. The whole hotel workout only takes about 15-20 minutes!

You can also create your own hotel room workout using the moves from above!

Sarah’s note: check out our vacation workouts for more great options for vacation workouts in hotel gyms and hotel rooms!

overhead photo of a beach with boats - how to stay active on vacation

3. Wake up early and go for a run

Why not let Mother Nature be your trainer for the week?

While everyone else in the family is catching up on their sleep, lace up those shoes and pound the pavement a bit. Not only will you get your workout in and done early, but you’ll be able to scope out even more of the town to add some more places to your “must-visit” list! 

Staying active on vacation isn’t hard, but it does require you to be mentally motivated to make it happen. These simple tips above are a great way to stay on track while still being able to enjoy your time in another place and location.

Make your workout compliment your vacation instead of giving you a reason to stress. When combined, your exercise routine can and will actually give you more energy to have fun while on vacation! 

You also might like our article on 7 Surprising Tricks To Feeling More Energy.

Sarah’s note: another great way to get vacation workouts in is to explore local gyms and local fitness classes!

Do you have any tips on how to stay active on vacation? Do you ever do a hotel room workout? If so, what do you do?

Kim and Kalee - Sorey Fitness

Kalee and her mom, Kim, run their online lifestyle business while living in Nashville. They help busy women look and feel their best through their blog and online support group.

2 thoughts on “3 Tips for Staying Active on Vacation (and Hotel Workout Ideas!)”

  1. Hi Sarah, those are some great tips. I really liked your bodyweight workout because it’s easy to do and you can don’t need any equipment for it and it can be done literally everywhere. What are your thoughts on resistance bands and using them in a hotel? I’ve heard that they are very lightweight, portable and it can also provide you with extra resistance. Thanks.


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