Find out what’s happening at The Fit Cookie these days! Here’s some new things we’re trying, events we’re attending, and products we love
It’s hard to believe that July is almost over! Our summer has been busy this year, which is a bit different for us. Usually summer is so slow for us since my allergies knock me out and I don’t have a ton of energy in the summer. But this year I have actually been able to get a handle on my allergies and I have had more energy this summer, so we have been doing more and staying busy.
Here’s some of the fun stuff we have been doing so far this summer!
I made some Basil Cucumber water – so yummy! I knew mint tasted great in water but found out that basil is pretty amazing in water too. Such a fantastic combo, one of my faves!
I made some minion cupcakes for my daughter’s birthday party earlier this month. I got the idea from Betty Crocker and I used my homemade Vegan Vanilla Cupcake recipe and dairy-free homemade buttercream frosting (the frosting recipe is on the same page). They turned out cute! I used regular yellow food coloring but if you’re avoiding traditional food colors you can find some natural ones at health food stores
I got an Apple Watch Sport from my husband for my birthday this month! I wanted something to track GPS, run, bike, steps, heart rate, etc. so he bought me this one that does most of it. I am still learning the ins and outs of using it for fitness but I really like it so far! I want to do a blog review on it soon (hopefully in the next month) so stay tuned!
I also got a Teavana Perfect Tea Maker for my birthday – this is pretty cool! I love making tea with it. It has a special filter in the bottom that opens when you put it over your cup. I need to do a short video of it sometime – it’s pretty cool
I found some of this natural energy gel at one of our local sports stores and wanted to give it a try. It tastes great! It’s higher in sugar than my normal Hammer Gel (only 2 grams of sugar) but this is nice every once in a while. Plus, most of the ingredients are low FODMAP for this flavor, so it would be a good one to keep on hand for me.
We have been running several races this year, including the Outlaw Challenge (which was really fun!), the July 4th 4-mile race and the Universal Athletic 5K that was just the other day. My July 4th 4-mile time was 38:41, pretty close to last year’s time. The Universal Athletic 5K was 27:40, one of my better times.
The Universal Athletic 5K was the first 5K my kids did! They have walked 5ks before and have hiked 6 miles multiple times, but this was their first attempt at running a 5k. I’m so proud of them!
Lately with my racing I have been having some issues with crazy stomach cramps after the first mile or so. I have been having trouble getting my fuel right – eating too close to race time, eating too much protein, fiber, etc. The list goes on. I’m about ready to just give up eating anything before a race, but I know that’s counterproductive. I should have at least a gel, but even that seems to get my stomach cramping.
I ate some colorful fruity cereal about 1-1/2 hours before my last race and thought I was going to throw it up. I was laughing to myself between urges to heave that I would be puking rainbows lol. Maybe tmi but pretty darn funny anyway. I have had that problem before, getting nauseous when I’m really pushing myself, but I haven’t lost my lunch…yet….
Some flowers from our garden this year. We just moved recently so this is the first time we have had an actual yard and a nice garden with flowers in it. Our older house was out of town on several acres and it was hard to get anything to grow.
And admittedly I did not take enough time then to get a nice yard or garden started. But our new home now has both, so it’s time for me to learn how to garden so I can keep everything looking nice lol 😉
I found some Daiya Cheezy Mac at one of our local supermarkets! That’s kind of a big deal since we live in a smallish town in Wyoming. We bought some alfredo style (despite the higher price tag) and had some with Al Fresco chicken sausage. It was good! I think the alfresco style could use a little more garlic, but otherwise it was great.
Found some of the new portable SunButter single cups at Target last week! We didn’t buy any this time since the price was rather high, but I know where to buy some whenever we need it!

Sarah Jane Parker is the founder, recipe creator, and photographer behind The Fit Cookie which she founded in 2011. Sarah is based in Wyoming and has been managing food allergies for herself and her 2 children for over 20 years. Sarah was also a certified personal trainer for 12 years, as well as a group fitness instructor, health coach, running coach, and fitness nutrition specialist.