Struggling with peroneal tendonitis in your legs? Peroneal tendonitis is always tricky! Get some tips on how to address it and when to get physical therapy

Exercise can be an awesome thing that pushes our limits, molds us into better individuals, and improves our confidence by testing our abilities. But exercise can be a double-edged sword: you can reap amazing benefits and get injured. No bueno…
Earlier this year I decided to run a trail marathon at the end of August with some family members, so I ramped up my running miles. I hadn’t run too much before and I tried to be smart about my training, but the inevitable happened: I got bad peroneal tendonitis in my left leg which sidelined me for an entire month until my leg was back to normal.

I pushed myself one day over a weekend and I ran 6 miles – longer than I had ever run before. This was a milestone for me, but I started getting horrible pain in my left ankle. The pain escalated in 1-2 days until I was limping around and thought for sure that I had fractured my foot.
I pinpointed the source of my pain and then I did some research and figured out that I had peroneal tendonitis in my left foot. Ouch…ouch…ouchy
I tried working through the pain on my own with ice and massage, but the pain persisted so I went to a physical therapist. This was the best thing I did! For the entire month of May, I did only low impact activity, no running, jumping, or Zumba.
It was rough, but I wanted to make sure that this was going to be resolved permanently and not continue to plague me forever.
What A Physical Therapist Can Do:
Besides the low impact activity, here’s what we did:
- Ultrasound: my physical therapist started every session with ultrasound
- Targeted massage: after the ultrasound came the hard part: having someone aggressively massage my inflamed tendons brought tears to my eyes…it was quite painful, but necessary and it made a big difference
- Mobility and strength assessments: I had some assessments done and found that my left hip was not as strong as my right hip. My achilles, calf, and plantar tendons were also quite tight, resulting in less than ideal foot movements during running. Once we knew what was imbalanced, we did strength and flexibility work to address my muscular imbalances.
- Running assessment: once I was doing better, we had a running coach join our physical therapy session to do a running assessment. They took videos of me running on a treadmill and we pinpointed some postural issues that needed improved.
- Change shoes: often people who get peroneal tendonitis under-pronate (they supinate), meaning they have higher arches and tend to land on the outside edge of their foot as they run, irritating the tendons in outside of the foot and leg. I got a better pair of shoes that helped correct the problem and my physical therapist suggested arch supports.
What You Can Do to Treat Peroneal Tendonitis:
- See a doc or physical therapist: Always see a doctor if the pain is severe and/or persistent. You should get a doctor to rule out stress fractures, sprains/strains, and muscle tears.
- Rest: when my pain got pretty severe (it only took 1 day for the pain to get to where I was almost crying), I cut out high-impact anything and did low impact exercises like rowing, bicycling, and appropriate weight lifting. As frustrating as sitting on the sidelines can be, it is very important for proper healing.
- Ice: when the pain starts, don’t wait: ice the area. Ice is your first line of defense to reduce inflammation. We use these flexible ice packs with a wrap that helps secure it to your foot (or knee, or whatever area you need to ice).
- Compression: compression socks or ankle supports are a great thing to add to provide support and reduce swelling in painful areas
- Foam rolling/myofascial release/massage: I rolled my lower leg on all sides and found a very tender area of adhesion on my outside of my ankle in my peroneal tendon. I am a huge foam roller addict and I roll on a nearly daily basis. But the one place I was neglecting to roll was my peroneal tendon. When you are very active, take time to roll every muscle and tendon group imaginable, especially the areas that are very tender.
- KT Tape: I used the video below to add KT Tape to my foot and add extra support, improve blood flow to the area, and provide a little compression. You can also get a physical therapist or sports doctor to tape your feet or knees when needed.
- Make corrective measures to your gait and posture. Many times foot and knee injuries are actually a result of imbalances so it is worth going to a physical therapist to check for muscle imbalances that might be causing recurring injuries.
- Mileage: Make sure you are increasing your mileage safely and not too aggressively.
- Run on level surfaces: Keep your tendons happy: running on sloped surfaces, tracks, and uneven trails can cause constant foot shifting that can irritate tendinitis. Mix up your running surfaces so you can prevent overuse tendonitis.
- Myofascial release/foam rolling: I might sound like a broken record, but I cannot overstate how important recovery and foam rolling is! Make myofascial release a regular part of your workout routine to keep your body and it’s elements (muscles/tendons/fascia) elastic and mobile.
- Compression is also a good way to prevent tendonitis before it starts.
- Cross training and strength training: You can prevent future injury by making strength training a regular part of your routine and keeping your body in balance with a good flexibility and recovery routine as well. Running is fun, but it is important to make sure you do other activities to keep your body fit in many ways and to prevent overuse. Fitness encompasses many aspects, including cardio, power, strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility, so make sure you are incorporating plenty of variety in your routines.
Now that my tendonitis is resolved, I slowed my progression a bit and decided to train for a half-marathon in October. I have plenty of time to increase my mileage safely and do my strength training and weight lifting to keep my body strong through the upcoming miles.
Disclaimer: this post if for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor or physical therapist

Sarah Jane Parker is the founder, recipe creator, and photographer behind The Fit Cookie. She’s a food allergy mom and allergy friendly food blogger of 12 years based in Wyoming. Sarah is also an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, ACE Certified Health Coach, Revolution Running certified running coach, and an ACE Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist
hey i rest for 2 month doing ankle strength exercise but i steel feel pain above my ankle i can’t run or exercise i want to continue my program of running but the pain won’t go away my doctor says it is a stress fracture and i should rest but i rested for 2 month and still feel pain what should i do should i rest a few more weeks or months or should i run even if it’s painful?
Hi Victor, it’s never a good idea to continue running when it hurts, especially if you have a stress fracture. I’d follow up with your doctor about how your healing is coming along and what they recommend going forward.
I have perineal tendinitis right now. This is the second time but on the opposite leg. The pain has been pretty intense ( shocking) for 2 days but in day 3 it seems to have improved quickly but that’s because I have stopped working and have been icing and taking turmeric and fish oil tablets along with voltaren gel. I had a Physio session before day one pain as I knew things were brewing but it was too late to stop the inflammatory process Today I can walk around but I have to be careful as any sudden move or downhill walking can illicit pain. My job is heavily physical coaching advanced tennis players 6 days a week and have been doing so for over 30 years . I have a broad size 14 feet and 6 ft 5 weighing around 108 kg, I wear full orthotics Which where designed to take pressure off a broken sesamoid I had 2 years s ago but maybe I need to re-asses this . The surface I teach on is unfortunately uneven and very spongy ( a synthetic grass court laid over an existing court ) so maybe I need to get off the court . Currently wear K Swiss hypercourt express as it’s a broad foot but I hear many recommend ASICS gel. I do all the rolling exercises
What I need to do know is to put into an action a plan to make sure this does not happen again. I probably could drop a few kilograms to help out and modify my core stability and work less and on a better surface. Any suggestions ?
Hi Tom! I’m sorry that you’re dealing with this, I still struggle with my peroneal tendons getting really tight and sore but fortunately the pain isn’t as bad as it has been in the past.
I can’t give you any specific recommendations, but I can give some general advice. It might be helpful to make sure that you’re following up with the physical therapist to address any underlying muscle imbalances that you might have. Also doing some calf strengthening (and stretching of course) and ankle strengthening exercises as well.
I’d also look for shoes that are designed for your foot (like neutral, pronation, or supination shoes). Some shoe websites you can sort through them by the correct of the shoe, I like ASICS for that reason. I used to use a stability shoe for overpronation until I realized that I needed a neutral shoe instead and I think that’s been helpful.
You talked bout the taping video but I cannot find it on you’re article. Can you share the link?
Hi Lis, thanks for the heads up! For some reason, the old YouTube embed code wasn’t working so I added a new code and it’s in the post now. But here’s the link in case it gets lost again:
Thanks for all of this information!
I’m hoping to get in to see a PT soon, but I was wondering what shoes you ended up with that is helping mitigate your peroneal tendonitis? Your link goes to an Asics page, but would you mind sharing what style?
Thanks so much again for your time and help!
Hi Michelle! I find that the ASICS Gel Kayanos work well for me, but the kind of shoe you’ll need will depend on your gait while running and walking. Some shoes are stability shoes, some offer correction for supination or pronation during running, so it will be very important for you to get your gait assessed by a physical therapist before buying shoes to make sure that you’re getting the proper shoes for your individual needs. Many physical therapy offices are able to do this or have a resident running expert that can help you find the right shoes 🙂 I hope that helps!
I find it helpful when you suggested that a person can visit a local physical therapist in order to get their feet’s muscles checked for any imbalances that can cause reoccurring injuries. If I got this injury, I would also visit a local medical center to have both my feet fitted with custom orthopedics as soon as possible. Doing this will help me protect them from further harm while decreasing the pain while walking during recovery.
Yes! Getting medical assessments can make all the difference
I like your tip about how the higher arches and outside striking hurts the feet. My foot is in serious pain and I need help. I’ll have to consider your tips so that I can get some pain relief.
I hope you can get some relief!
Hi Sarah! This article was really helpful. I went to the doctor after experiencing severe ankle pain. The pain would come and go, but more so during running and after running. I got nervous and went to the doctor. The pain is right on the outside of the ankle bone, and slightly on top of it (So on the top of my foot). The doctor thought it was a stress fracture after initial assessment, especially since the sonogram didn’t show any inflammation. When I got back the MRI I was confused how it wasn’t a stress fracture. He said it can still be tendonitis and that the muscles around the tendons are weak. Long story short, I’ve been not running for almost six weaks and still experience discomfort. I’ve been doing low impact exercises like cycling and running. I’m working with a running coach and have been focusing on strength exercises and stretching. I need to emphasize foam rolling more, and the massage sounds like a really good idea. Do you have anymore suggestions? The pain comes and goes, as I did attempt running three times on the treadmill, the first time good, the second good and then the third bad turned good once I paused and did some massaging of my ankle. Thanks for your help!
Hi Kristen! I’d really encourage physical therapy as well if you can get it. They’ll be able to help you out with specific stretches, muscle imbalances, icing, orthotic and shoe recommendations, and ultrasound pain management (along with taping and other things). If those conservative treatments (like rest and ice) at home aren’t doing the trick, physical therapy can definitely help if you find an experienced physical therapist that has worked with athletes. Definitely give the foam rolling a try as well, very consistently too (like a several times a day) to see if that helps as well. Keep us updated!
Excellent information. Thank you!
Thanks Cliff!
I kind of got the feeling that shoes had something to do with it. I’ve had tendonitis 5 consecutive years now. And each time, I get put in a boot for several months and I do rehab year round. This year it came back worse than ever before. I’ve been in a boot for a month now and I still have another 2 weeks in it. Plus, when I get it off I have to go 2 months without any physical activity. If it’s still not any better (and my orthopedic surgeon talks like he doesn’t think it will be) then I will be having surgery. It started off as Achilles tendonitis. I got rid of that and developed Peroneal tendonitis due to Peroneal tendon Subluxation.
Oh no, so sorry to hear that Alyssa! It’s definitely hard to figure some of that stuff out. I’ve had plantar fasciitis and achilles tendonitis and had been able to get them resolved with rolling and changing activity, but that isn’t always the case. I had some achilles tendon issues and found out that it was from my favorite zero-drop running shoes. Once I switched back to shoes with a heel (my ASICS), it began to go away. I hope you can get some relief! Keep me posted with how you’re doing
Thanks for the info. I have been dealing with peroneal tendon issues for almost 2 years now, very slowly getting worse since it started. It came on as a soreness/ache in back of ankle, but I continued to run and that seemed to be OK. I took some months off for skiing but then when I returned to running, the pain came back in about a week. I took 6 weeks in a walking boot (last spring) and then gradually worked back up to training 6 days per week (last summer), but it came back without even having running in the training plan. Now, almost 2 years later, the pain is probably the worst it has been with aching towards the end of the peroneal brevis, on the outside of the foot. I have not run for over a year, but have done other modes of working out. Any suggestions? Have tried lots of treatments and stretching and some PT… but I am perhaps missing some key ingredient to heal!
Hi Anna! I would work on a few things: I would limit anything high impact for a while and you might try foam rolling your peroneal tendons several times a day, and follow with some ice for about 10 minutes. Cupping is also very helpful, you can have a PT do it for you if you find one that offers cupping. You may also consider your shoes: are you using shoes that are right kind for you feet and gait? That is, are you using a stability shoe if you over-pronate or a neutral shoe if you don’t? I have also found that using a zero drop shoe aggravates my achilles and surrounding tendons as well. Running on uneven surfaces (like trails or canted sidewalks) can cause more issues with peroneal tendonitis than running on a level surface, too.
I do highly recommend going to see a PT again, if the last one didn’t help much, you can shop around and find one that might help you in a different way and offers more treatment options, like cupping, needling, stim, tape, massage, etc. Sometimes getting a fresh perspective on your tendonitis from a new PT can help a ton. It is possible that you also have mobility or stability issues in your kinetic chain or imbalances in your muscle groups and joints that could be causing the recurring issues. A great PT can help you identify those imbalances or mobility issues if they are causing those problems.
Hi Sarah… great information with a seriously long run of views you’ve got here! I’m 101% certain what I’ve got going on right now is peroneal tendonitis too. Enough that I’ve just used the video at the end of your article to tape it up. Hopefully it will help speed up healing. I’ve been sidelined now for about two weeks.
I have a question for you… and then a comment to add.
First the question: You mention that you got some painful massage done on the tendons. I’m thinking I need that too, as I’ve read there’s risk of scar tissue buildup if the condition lasts too long. But I’m trying to gauge just how hard it needs to be.
I don’t have a foam roller, but do have a large superball I’ve started rolling underfoot. However, we also have one of those thumper massagers for the back, etc. I’m wondering if that would be safe to use on my calf and side of my leg. I did try it the other day and had a tingling sensation in the tendon for a good 30 minutes or so after. Whether that’s good or bad, I don’t know. It felt better for the rest of the day but much tighter and a little painful the morning after.
From what you experienced, do you (or one of your expert readers) think a thumper massage device is a safe idea? (Set on low, etc.) I’d had to cause more damage by being over-zealous. At the same time, scar tissue and lasting tightness also doesn’t sound fun.
Now the comment: I’ve been running for years and have had to deal with a few different “surprise” injuries. Would have helped if I’d known they might be a risk in advance, just to know how to deal with them. So I thought I’d mention them here.
One was due to a very similar situation, where the calf muscles and tendons are not well stretched. I was running about 3 miles every other day and got over-zealous running lots of steps on one occasion and then soon after, up a long incline (in the Blue Ridge mountains). I thought the ache in my calves was a sign of a good workout. Turns out they were over-strained… and one blew out in the airport, while running to catch a plane after a last-minute gate switch. Ouch.
Recovery took an eternity. The doctor showed me how he could actually push into the tear on the muscle. Not fun. Then he taped it into position to keep it from moving while it healed back together. Had a dent there for a long time and pain any time it suddenly contracted. Couldn’t run, couldn’t skip rope. But eventually with toe raises and careful stretches, it fully recovered. Again, a long time. Many months.
I mention it because the doctor told me this is VERY common for runners after 40. Makes it a must, must, must to stretch after running. Or just stretch your calves daily anyway.
From that, I should have learned my lesson but didn’t. Because sometime after I started running again, I started waking up in the mornings with painful plantar fasciitis. This too was fixed with stretches and tape. Very quickly, I might add. Lots of videos show how. Again, it’s an ankle/calf stretching issue.
Last I’ll mention, I was running with an iPhone… at this point, beyond 6 to 8 miles at a time… so really feeling good about it… and I stupidly tried to change the music while in motion (stupid as texting and driving). Before I knew it, I had tripped on uneven slate, went flying, and landed full-force on my knee onto stone, from about 2 ft. straight down. Nearly blacked out from the pain. Then stupidly got up, decided it would be okay, and ran another two miles. The next morning, I couldn’t even get out of bed.
That sidelined me for longer still. Any attempt to run almost immediately brought back the pain. When I finally went to the doctor, he determined it wasn’t tendon or meniscus related, as I’d feared, but a bone bruise at the end of my femur. That really surprised me. Fortunately, that too has since healed. No pain in that leg whatsoever. Unfortunately, I lost all my running progress and packed on a few pounds. So I was just working my way back when this new tendon issue cropped up.
Bottom line: Stretch the calf muscles. Keep your ankles lose. And pay attention to the road. You could save yourself a LOT of trouble. P.S. I’m now 51. Once I beat this tendon thing, I plan to get back out there and see if I can get back to my old road numbers. Until then, I’m going to focus on weights and stretches (provided I don’t do something dumb and injure myself there too).
Thanks again for the great article… looking forward to your reply!
Hi John! You sound a bit like me: I’ve had several of those same issues (plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis, IT band tendontitis, etc.) over the years. I agree, my plantar fasciitis was due to not properly stretching my calves. I had that when I was teaching Zumba, and we do a lot of movements on the balls of our feet (our calves were constantly tensed). Once I really stretched my calves and foam rolled my heels/achilles, it began to go away. You are so right, stretching is a MUST!
As for how much pressure or massage on the muscle or tendon will be helpful, I think it depends on your pain tolerance and comfort level. I have noticed that when I get needling done and deep massage, I get sore, but it helps later. I would start out with less aggressive massage and then work your way up as you break up scar tissue and build tolerance. It is hard to be consistent with stretching and rolling if it is TOO painful. I would leave the really aggressive massage to a physical therapist since you can break blood vessels and worse by getting too aggressive with massage in the wrong areas. That massager would probably be okay, just start with less time (10 minutes maybe) and work your way up as you tolerate it.
As always, get help from a doctor or physical therapist if it doesn’t improve!
Hi. Great information. thanks. I have been having this pain from past nearly a month. the pain is increasing now. I only did a very low intensity workout last week and the pain has increased. I thought this issue comes up with athletes and people who run a lot. Every time i try to get into a fitness regime (to lose weight and stay healthy), I get this foot problem and my health takes a back seat. Does this go off gradually by doing home remedies or should i really see a physical therapist? Please advice.
Hi Roopa, you can try self massage, stretching, ice, foam rolling, and cupping (if you have a set of your own cups), but if it won’t go away, then I would definitely see a physical therapist. Sometimes we can work through these things with self-care and rest, but other times if it is really persistent and it keeps coming back, then seeing a professional might be just what you need to kick this thing for good. I still get a little pain off and on, but that usually means I need to do more self care and stretch more.
Thanks Sarah for taking time to reply. I guess going to a doc makes sense and then take it forward from there. again thanks for such a detailed info.
Good luck! I hope you can get it resolved 🙂
Hello Sarah, Thanks for your informative blog. I believe I have a fairly mild case of PT (at least at this point) from running, at the base of the 5th metatarsal where the peroneal brevis attaches. Xrays and a bone scan ruled out a fracture, but I still have intermittent low grade soreness in this area, especially after harder workouts on the track. I’m going to stop running for 1-2 weeks to rest it, and follow up with my PT, but in the meantime I’ve read that ankle braces and a lateral heel wedge or heel lift can be helpful. Are there any brands of (I assume “soft”) ankle braces you’re recommend for this (e.g. Ossur Form Fit, or Aircast A60) and generally speaking can eversion foot exercises begin even with low grade soreness or should you wait until all soreness is gone before strengthening exercises? Thanks.
Hi RunnerGuy! I actually don’t have a lot of advice on braces or heel wedges, but I would definitely run less till it gets better. I would probably get some advice on braces and wedges from a physical therapist or a gait analyst so they can give you specific advice. I’ve found that massage, foam rolling, and cupping are really helpful, though!
Wouldn’t arch supports cause your parneal tendon to stretch even more and cause more problems? I have high arches and a torn parneal tendon on my right foot. I’m currently icing it and laying off running until it heals. I really want to get back to running though.
Ideally arch supports would help with proper foot strike and help with tendonitis problems in the legs and feet that stem from foot-strike problems, but I believe this is something that shouldn’t be self-diagnosed (especially if you have a torn tendon). If you’re not sure about whether you need arch supports or not, definitely see a physical therapist who can help you figure out what you need based on your gait. Good luck on healing up! Don’t get back into running too soon, make sure you give your body ample time to heal
Also, can you please tell me what type of roller you used? I’ve seem gel type ones that can be chilled & I may be leaning towards that type, thank you
The foam rollers I have used have been the dense foam ones (like this one: The one I have at home now and use almost daily is hollow inside so it doesn’t get compressed over time. It’s this one: If you are a beginner at foam rolling, it helps to get a softer one at first then work your way up to a harder roller over time.
Hi there, can you please tell me what brand of compression sleeve worked for you? thanks!
Hi Jonie! I have used Pro Compression calf sleeves before, but you can also use ankle support sleeves from people like McDavid and ACE Bandage
What kind of shoes did you get? Brand name please, Thank you, I found this post to be very helpful. This is one of the worst pains I have ever felt. I want to keep walking to stay healthy. I also have a hip problem on my left side, did the arch insert really help as well?
Hi Brandy! I actually can’t remember which shoes I was wearing when I had this tendonitis, I think I was wearing zero drop shoes. My physical therapist ended up telling me to stop wearing zero drop last year, so I’ve been wearing my ASICS now and have had good support from them. I have purchased a few shoes inserts over the years but so far I haven’t found anything that is really good, and my foot strike is actually pretty neutral so I don’t need a corrective shoe.
Before buying shoes, I would go to a physical therapist, a running specialist, or running shoe store with good staff who can help you figure out what kind of foot strike you have (like over-pronator, neutral, etc.). From there you can search within shoe brands for shoes that will work best for your feet. I have wide feet so ASICS work pretty good for me since they seem to have good widths, and I have used them off and on over the years for both Zumba and running with good results. Check around and try on some shoes at stores to get a feel for how different brands fit your feet. Good luck!
I just have to say yhat you are lucky to still have age on your side to be this active. I started having problems 13 years ago but the pain did not start in the ankle, but in my hip
Here I am almost 60 and learning that all this time the pain, disability and money I could have saved by hearing two wrds “Peroneal Tendon”
I tell anyone who even suspects they have this problem to bug your doctor till both an ultrasound and MRI are done of the Peroneal tendons to check for a tear
I also have high arches that most likely added to it and was exercising at a club without proper guidance when this started
It will become chronic do not try to figure this out on your own. I am basically homebound with this but might have found a good doctor who has some promise
Sorry to hear that you are laid up with a tear! That is no good, but I’m glad to hear you figured out the root cause and are working with a doctor to figure out what to do next 🙂
Lorinda, I am curious of your outcome or current status. I’m dealing with chronic pain (4 years now ugh) that was first felt in my hip and is felt along the outside of my leg to the ankle now. A hip MRI revealed no hip pathology, so I’m pondering whether the source could be the peroneals. I see a physical therapist for dry needling to control the hip tightness. It seems to help for a couple of weeks or so and then it’s tight again.
This is exactly what I was looking for! I’ve been sidelined by doing exactly what you did, I ran 10km (6miles) when I’d previously only been running around 5 or 6km and then BOOM, sidelined by peroneal tendonitis. Thanks for sharing your information and findings and good luck for October!
Thanks Ellie! I’m so glad you found this helpful, I hope you get healed up quickly!
I have had this for two and a half months I did it playing badminton not even a match just a club night. Anyway I am seeing a pt but he has said if no improvement by next week he will refer me for further investigations. I am so fed up trying to rest it with two springer spaniel dogs is not easy, I just want to be able to walk without pain and limping.
My pain is under my ankle bone and it goes under my foot and into me heel from time to time, my Achilles was also inflamed but that has settled down.
I am using rock tape which really helps and I’m thinking of ordering a support to wear as well, I really want to be getting back to walking.
this is really helpful information, thank you!!!!
Glad to help Selby! 🙂
Yes, yes..that’s it, thank you! Injury..finally went in to primary doc. She was clueless, guessed a sprain, referred me to pt. Haven’t had that first appointment yet but was trying to figure out what exactly is going on. I remember rolling my ankle on a trail run a couple months ago and thinking, ” hope that’s not going to be a thing.” Been resting it and it’s been better, started building back up some walking miles..with dog, on treadmill..decided to go for a run..twice in two days ..enter pain and swelling again. ?
What you describe is it! I am also a supinator ( found that interesting, but makes sense) and have been putting off buying a new pair of running shoes for a while..ugh. Thanks for the tips. I hope my pt is as good as yours. Been wanting to get back into spin and the pool..guess this is a great reason to.
I’m glad you figured out what it was! That’s half the battle sometimes 🙂 I hope you have a good PT, they can make a world of difference. I love my physical therapist, I hope she never quits her job lol. I have been fortunate lately not to have to go back to see her, but I will never know when injury will strike again. Good luck!
I am a badminton player who is having this peroneal tend for months. I had been diagnosed but could not recover from it. I feel the pain usually when I jump smash because lot of pressure has to applied on right leg to jump. I just wanted to know whether I should continue playing and if Kt tape would help . Thank you
If you have had this pain for several months, I would definitely take some time off of jumping and go see a good physical therapist. They can do massage, ultrasound, and taping to help with that, as well as postural assessments. Definitely get some professional help for it! It’s worth it to take a bit of time off to heal so you can stay active in the long term
Thank you Sarah
Injuries can take place anytime anywhere. The best thing about this post is, that it is described with images and picture is worth 1000 words. 🙂 .
Thanks for sharing your experience. I am a physiotherapist in Toronto, Canada and I would have to say that you have offered some very valuable information to your readers. Your prevention tips are great and should be followed by anyone considering to run or start a new activity. Gradual progression into a new activity is key! Always remember that you body, your joints and your tissues need to adapt so that they can handle the stress of the new activity. I always tell my patients to pay attention to ask themselves 3 questions. 1. Is there pain during the activity; 2. Is there pain immediately after; 3. Is there pain the next morning? If they answer yes to any of those questions then they might have over done their training and could potentially be injuring themselves. We all have limits and boundaries. It is important we push ourselves but that we stay within our boundaries. Over time, with consistent training your boundaries will grow bigger and you will be able to run further, faster or do more!
Great advice!
This is the best article that I have read on Peroneal Tendonitis. I pursued physical therapy and have begun to get the condition under control. RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation) worked for me. I injured two weeks before a marathon. I took week off with physical therapy and then slowly came back over the next week. I finished the marathon with some pain, but now have a month to recover completely. I would not have tried this unless I was under the supervision of a doctor.
I suspect running on the edge of a crowned, paved path led to my injury, coupled with running a whole bunch of miles. I have found that compression socks are very useful for recovery as well. I am also moving to a Stability Plus shoe (heavily cushioned stability shoe. I would also recommend that the shoe not be narrow at the middle of the foot. Be aware that any shoe with a collar that rubs your ankle bone could also be a problem.
Great job on the article FitBetty
Thank you, you shared some great tips as well! I recovered from the peroneal tendinitis in my left leg, but a year later started to develop some pain in my right leg in the same place alongside my achilles tendon. I bought some new shoes that pressed on that spot, when I got some new shoes it helped a lot. It improved but came back a couple months later when I was kicking ice off my truck and must have twisted my foot wrong, and that tendinitis flared up. Rest, ice, and rolling helped! My foot is better now, now it’s time to get back into running again since I tool time off to let things heal. The tendinitis in my knee is a bugger and is being stubborn, so we’ll see how much I can do this year
I decided to do 100 day challenge. I was doing great! Started off at 1/2 mile a day quickly went to 2.5 miles a day. Was feeling great, then BAM. Foot hurt to walk, stand, sit, lay. I just knew I broke it somehow. Well about 2 maybe 3 weeks while continuing to self diagnose and keep my goal I finally went to the Doc.. Sure enough I have tendinitis and Tendinosis in my right foot/ankle. I have now been sidelined for almost a month in a big bulky boot! (Better then a cast). HORRIBLE Feeling. Lesson.. listen to your body. My calves were screaming and I didn’t listen. Now I am paying the price.
I’m so glad you finally got help for your tendinitis! Doing too much too soon is a recipe for those kinds of issues – it was definitely one of the causes of my injury. IN my case, it wouldn’t go away until I had physical therapy 2-3 times a week for a month. I have some tendinitis in my knee now that keeps wanting to flare up and I may have to go back to therapy for that too…
I feel for you!
I’ve spent most of the summer nursing another ankle injury; Achilles tendonitis.
I did everything I was supposed to do (physiotherapy, exercises, stretches, taping, rest, ice/heat) and FINALLY I’m back to teaching step aerobics and adding in a bit of plyometrics. I still feel it, but know exactly what to do to keep from re-injuring.
Focus on the other things we can do, right?
Oooh, ouch! I had achilles tendinitis last year and it took a little while for that to go away. I get recurring tendinitis in various parts of my left leg, but the physical therapist said it was because my left hip was weak. I have been working on building my hip strength and so far no more tendinitis {*knock on wood*} even though I have been building up my mileage. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can keep this tendinitis away!
I have had nothing like this but had a dog attack me & sidelined for a week or so & then only could do certain things but not like this – heal well! 🙂
Thanks Jody! I am healed up now, but I take extra precautions to keep my body happy. A dog bite is pretty scary! Glad you healed up quickly with it, though
Im a nonrunner who was sidelined by a runner’s injury (?! PIRIFORMIS whatwhat?) and finally just STOPPED cardio for 6 months to heal…
Oh no, that’s tough! 6 months is quite a while – kudos to you for taking the time to let yourself heal 🙂